
On Site Indexing and Auditing
Are you certain of finding those essential documents?
Are you looking for help in creating an accurate, consistent indexing method?
Do you need a thorough audit carried out?
We have an experienced in-house professional who can take on any of these tasks:
- On Site Storage Audits
- Purging
- Filing Relocations
- Storage Solutions
- Policies
- Retention Schedule
- Implementing Retention Rules
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Archiving
- Preparation For Scanning/Off-Site Document Storage
- Documents/Database Corroboration
- Bar Coding
- Indexing
- Inventory Clean Ups
Do you have a room or storage facility, full of documents and boxes?
Unfortunately, lack of time and designated members of staff to look after this project may have left this organisation with poorly managed documents. Looking after an archive can be time consuming but even more so if one needs a document and does not know where to start to locate it.
Do You Have Years of Accumulated Archive?
Often even though archive storage space may be adequate, the actual archiving methods have not been consistent. Some help may be needed to make sense of it all, shred unnecessary documents, put off site what must be kept for legal reasons and then keep on site all fresh paperwork, using the archiving system suggested and implemented by us.
How About Document Scanning?
If your archive is on site and taking up too much space we can tidy everything up for you: box the documents, label boxes, take the whole lot away and proceed to scanning it all and return it digitally.
Whatever situation you are in, a general storage audit is aimed at identifying the areas that need improvement: storage utilisation, storage capacity management, storage growth and cost effectiveness.
PDM can also carry out a storage security audit which tackles theft and data loss. A storage compliance audit is designed to check your storage against legal and regulatory requirements.